We offer our customers a modern SCADA system used for monitoring and visualization of industrial facilities ...
Sink basins
Manhole and non-manhole-type sink basins made of polymer constitute a perfect alternative to the cheap but bulky and relatively short-lived basins made of traditional materials.
Intended for exterior use in gravitational sewage systems (both sanitary and rainwater), as inspection chambers, and drainage sedimentation chambers. They can be used as an alternative in all those places where sink basins made of traditional materials are used.
The EKO-SYSTEMY Sp. z o.o. company produces:
manhole type sink basis:
with internal diameters of DN800, DN1000, DN1200;
height 1100, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000 mm;
pass-through base unit diameter of 160/200 and 250/315 [mm],
collector base unit with identical diameter for in- and outflow
blind use in gravitational sewage systems,
non-manhole type sink basis:
With internal diameters of DN 600 with a pass-through base unit and a collector base units with a diameter of 160/200 [mm]
The diameter of the base unit itself is 200 mm and 315 mm and a change in diameter is achieved by reducing connectors to the size provided for in the sewage system design.
Sink basin chambers are equipped in specially formed mountings for iron steps made of slip-protected acid-resistant iron (manhole-type basins).
At the top of the manholes, depending on their location, there are polyethylene covers or a load distribution ring, a cover and an iron manhole class A, B, C or D for traffic area depending on load class.
The capping elements are not parts of the basins, they constitute an inseparable elements and comprise:
- load distribution ring,
- lid,
- cast iron DN 600 manhole of an appropriate class /A, B, C or D/
Those elements are not manufactured by us, there are supplied by trade partners.
- mechanical resistance,
- elasticity,
- high resistance to corrosion,
- resistance to aggressive sewage,
- resistance to cracks,
- low weight,
- low grindability,
- full tightness,
- low production costs, savings resulting from not using heavy equipment during construction.
Presented in the advertising information and drawings are for illustration only and does not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article. 66 pairs. 1 Civil Code. In order to familiarize with the offer, please contact the sales department's EKO-SYSTEMY
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